Jun 29, 2022 | Estates' news, L’actualité de nos domaines, News, Viticulture
Horse-based viticulture brings many assets, including ploughing with a draft horse. What is the ploughing? Ploughing is the delicate action of working the soil between the rows of vine, i.e. turning the soil over and pulling out the weeds. The excavating plow turns...
Jun 23, 2022 | Estates' news, L’actualité de nos domaines, News, Viticulture
An fiery year!! Tying-up We ended tying-up the vegetation at Domaines Paul Mas on June 15th, 2022. This operation consists of raising the branches and foliage of the vines up to keep them above the stump using iron wires which act as tutors. This operation prevents...